One dude. Seven foundational health habits.
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My health and fitness goals for 2025
Towards the end of last year, I took a step back to reflect on where I was with my foundational health habits, as well as my overall health and fitness. I also started to think about where I want to put my energy and focus in 2025, so I can take things to the next…
Think for yourself
For the last few years, I’ve become default sceptical of the ‘herd’ view. This naturally led me to find the contrarian view for most things. But I’m realising that this is no better than simply blindly conforming.
How to maintain a healthy body weight (or gain or lose weight)
I want to give you a really simple strategy for how to reach, and maintain a healthy body weight. I’ve used this strategy myself to lose weight, and I use it today to keep my own body weight at a healthy level, and to stay lean.
HUGE foundational health habit update (and a big change!)
I haven’t done a habit update since July, so we have three months to cover – August September and October. I’m also making a change to one of my health habits from November.
TWO things you have to change, if you want to build better habits and behaviours
There are two things you need to change if you want to be successful in building better health habits, behaviors, or any type of transformative change in your life. People and environment.
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