Hmmmm. So, July was a little bumpy. Let’s talk it through!
My goals for July were straight forward:
- 6 habits I’ve fairly firmly established – alcohol, sleep, protein, caffeine, water and steps – at 80% consistency and in the green
- Whole foods, which is my seventh habit that I’m in the early stages of building – my goal is to be above 50% consistency again (that would make it the third consecutive month of being above 50%) – and preferably I’d like to see it closer to 60% consistency.
Alright, let’s jump into how well I did in July:

I think it’s fair to say that I had a bit of a wobble in July.
Of the six foundational health habits I wanted to keep 80% consistency or over and in the green, I only managed to keep four of them in the green – alcohol, protein, caffeine and water. I’m of course, super happy with those.
The two habits that slipped below 80% consistency and therefore into the orange were sleep and steps. Although, not by much – 74% consistency for sleep and 77% consistency for 10K steps. So, not overly happy with these. We’ll get into that in a few moments.
And then for my seventh foundation health habit, whole foods – that came in at 52% consistency. I’m fairly happy with that as it means I’ve managed to be over 50% for three consecutive months now. That’s a pretty good place to be given I’m in the early stages of building my whole foods habit.
So, overall I’d say July was pretty mixed. A mix of some great, some good, and some OK.
As usual, let’s dive into the details:
No Alcohol
Goes without saying, 100% consistency.
It’s also worth mentioning that I hit my three year sober milestone in July. I only realised two weeks after the fact, because I’m no longer concerned with counting. That’s just who I am now.
Sleep – 6.5 hours
Sleep came in at 74% consistency. This kinda pisses me off, because sleep is so damn important. I therefore hate to see it in the orange.
That said, there’s nothing substantial or new that would lead me to believe I’m in trouble with sleep. I know my sleep habit is a little vulnerable at times. I got a friendly reminder of this.
There’s two things I’d put down to my sleep consistency being low in July.
Firstly, I got off to a bad start (three misses in the first nine days). From there, I didn’t recover properly and clocked up a few unnecessary misses due to a lack of focus. I simply went to bed too late when I knew I should have gotten an early night to give myself the best chance of getting over 6.5 hours.
Secondly, I always find summer a bit of a challenge when it comes to sleep. It’s been a very hot July and the sun has been rising early. This always tends to present a bit of extra risk to hitting my 6.5 hours.
These will be the two things I think about over the next few months.
Protein – 175 grams
Protein came in at 81% consistency. I would usually expect this to be comfortably in the nineties. However, a few trips and unusual breaks from my routine caused this to dip.
As with all of my habits, anything 80% of above is entirely fine. Yeah, it’s nice to see things high eighties and into the nineties, but that’s icing on the cake. So long as I’m 80% or above and in the green with each of my habits, I’ve achieved my goal. So, no worries with protein. I’m pretty confident we’ll be back to 90%+ consistency over the next few months.
Caffeine – max two cups, and before midday
Same score and same analysis as protein – 81% consistency.
81% is perfectly fine with me. As usual, each of my six misses were very intentional – either around a trip or fuelling an afternoon workout.
Water – 3 litres
Water was my highest scoring habit, at 94% consistency. Water is a standout habit for me. It’s almost second nature to drink 3 litres of water a day, and it’s not something I struggle with at all. This didn;t used to be the case, but over time I’ve just drummed it in.
10K Steps
Steps were a bit of a bummer – 77% consistency. Like sleep, this one annoyed me because it’s also one I have some vulnerability with and July kindly reminded me that.
Always the same deal – I lose my focus, and leave it too late. I know what I have to do to get it reliably over 80% consistency. And that’s what I’ll focus on for the next few months.
Whole Foods – 80%
Whole foods came in at 52% consistency. On one hand, that’s great and now three consecutive months over 50%. That’s a solid trend there.
On the other hand, I’m not seeing signs of it getting closer to 60% and over. And that’s what I now need to work on.
Improving this is going to be very hard, and will take some time. Once you start to track everything you eat, you realise how hard it is to even eat 30 or 40% whole foods. With my target being 80% whole foods per day, it only takes one or two things to not be whole foods to kill the percentage.
To improve this, I just need to be much more focused and start to dial things in tighter. I’ve made a good leap from under 50% to always over 50%. So, some extra dialing in will help me get closer to, and over 60%. I’m motivated to do that, watch this space.
July Wrap Up
Yes, I had fairly mixed results in July. It definitely could’ve been better.
But, I have to remind myself that this will sometimes happen. Now and again, I’m going to have to take it on the chin that established foundational health habits WILL fall under 80% consistency, and into the orange now and again.
I think the important thing to remember is that a blip on a habit for one month is definitely not a trend. Realistically, that’s just going to happen sometimes – through losing my focus or through the curveballs life will deal me from time to time.
What’s important is to make sure it isn’t a trend. If I slip into two consecutive missed months, that becomes the start of a trend. And three consecutive missed months? That’s definitely a trend.
So, I’ll pick myself up, and focus extra hard on things for the next few months. I want to prove to myself this is just a one off blip!
Aug Goals
My goals for August look a bit different from a usual month. That’s because I’m on holiday in Tenerife for ten days.
I’m going to do something a little custom for August, and only focus on and track steps and water. If you want to dig deeper into how I think about my foundational health habits whilst on holiday, and my rationale for only tracking steps and water, check out How I track my habits on holiday.
September will of course be back to normal.
I will see you next month!
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