Tracking my daily habits continues to be one of the most life changing things I’ve done. That’s no exaggeration. When I look at my progress, I struggle to believe it’s me.
My goal for May was to focus on two things:
- Eat paleo – 50% (from a very low historic average of 10%)
- Intermittent fasting – 50% (under a new stricter criteria of only water and black coffee in my fasting period).
And of course, maintain the other habits I’ve already established at 80% – no alcohol, sleep 6.5 hours, maximum of three cups of caffeine before midday, two litres of water and taking my supplements.
Here’s how I did:

Let’s start with the good news:
- Intermittent fasting (under a new stricter criteria of only water and black coffee in my fasting period) was a lot easier than I expected. I hit 74% consistency – well over my 50% goal and already super close to 80% territory.
- Sleeping 6.5 hours finally got over 80% consistency for the first time – with my average sleep also increasing to 6 hours, 58 mins.
- All of the habits I was looking to maintain increased significantly – many hitting over 90% consistency and a couple even hitting 100%.
- Even though I’m not focusing on being active (I’m coming back from an injury), I’m now back to training three times a week.
I’m super proud of that. The habits I have over 80% are now very easy for me to maintain. Tracking them helps, but the best bit is that they’ve become a default behaviour for me. That’s a solid place to be.
Now for the not so good news – I came in at 30% consistency for eating paleo. That’s quite a bit less than my goal of 50%. I suspected I would find this very hard. And I did.
That said, 30% is a huge improvement from a historic average of 10%. It’s a solid step in the right direction.
It’s pretty obvious where I go from here. I need to get the intermittent fasting into the 80% zone, and get paleo into the 50% zone.
So, my goals for June are:
- eat paleo – meat, fruit, vegetables and nuts (50% of the time)
- Intermittently fast (8 hours eating and 16 hours fasting) under new stricter rules (80% of the time)
The fasting should come fairly easily. Paleo, not so much.
I’ve been thinking about where I need to focus to help get it to 50% consistency. I have to cut out snacking on bad foods in the evening. I’m often on course for a paleo day and then ruin it at the last minute. I also need to start getting some paleo days under my belt over the weekend (I didn’t manage a single weekend day in May). If I can make progress in those two areas, I should be able to get to my 50% goal.
See you in a month!
P.S, if you want to follow my journey chronologically, check out these posts:
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